Name | Description | Type | Additional information |
UniqueId | string |
None. |
Web_EnrollmentFormParticipationKey | integer |
None. |
IsSelected | boolean |
None. |
Web_EnrollmentFormKey | integer |
None. |
Web_EnrollmentStatusKey | integer |
None. |
PBProductParticipationKey | integer |
None. |
BeneficiaryOptionsValueID_G148 | BeneficiaryAllocationType |
None. |
PBAffiliationKey | integer |
None. |
PrimaryPBAffiliationKey | integer |
None. |
CoverageOptions | Collection of CoverageOption |
None. |
ProductOptions | Collection of AvailabilityOptions |
None. |
Beneficiaries | Collection of Beneficiary |
None. |
CoveredEntities | Collection of FamilyMemberOption |
None. |
PBEntityKey | integer |
None. |
PBProductAvailabilityKey | integer |
None. |
AvailabilityDesc | string |
None. |
InEffect | date |
None. |
Product | Product |
None. |
CoveredEntityDisplayType | CoveredEntityDisplayType |
None. |
CoveredEntityBitMask | integer |
None. |
EnabledInWebExpress | boolean |
None. |
OfferingOrgUnitName | string |
None. |
OfferingOrgUnitPBEntityKey | integer |
None. |
TerminationDate | string |
None. |